Olympus Cup Rules 2-4 players
▲Pegasus Pick: Separate cards with gods based on backing for each team.
Each player randomly draws the number of cards indicated below. Players are then allowed to pick a certain number of cards indicated below and discard the rest. During their turn, each player may choose to use any of their powers they previously picked. Players must announce their selected god before shooting on their first turn and any time they change their power if it is different than their previous turn.
Total Players | Each Draw | Each Pick |
2 | 6 | 4 |
4 | 3 | 2 |
▲Centaur Selection: Separate cards with gods based on backing and select one deck to draw from. Randomly draw 4 cards. The same set of 4 cards are used for each team. During their turn, each player may choose to use the power of any the selected 4 gods but must announce their selected god before shooting if it is different than their previous turn or is their first turn. In two player games, the same god power can not be selected twice.
▲Serpent Draft: Separate cards with gods based on backing and select one deck to place face up on the side of the table. Perform Eye to Eye Shot (see below). Winner may choose to take the first turn or draft first. Each player then drafts 1 god at a time for their team. After drafting, the player who did not draft first may take their first turn. During their turn, each player may choose to use the power of any their 3 gods but must announce their selected god before shooting. (Ignore First Turn rule below if playing this game mode)
▲ For detailed videos and extended explanation of powers click here: God Powers
FIRST TURN (Advanced)
Eye to Eye Shot: One player from each team maintains eye contact while shooting the ball into your opponent’s Olympus. If one player make a cup, their team goes first. If both players make it, or both players miss, an alternate player from each team tries again until a single team makes a cup. Do not remove cups for this part.
▲ Players on the same team take their turns in any order.
▲ Each player takes their turn according to the god power indicated on their selected card.
▲ Players will shoot into cups on the opposite side of the table into your opponent’s Olympus.
▲ Cups are removed as they are made.
▲ All powers are one normal shot unless otherwise specified.
▲ At any time, a player may waive their power temporarily and take a normal shot.
▲ When every player is finished, the next team may take their turn.
A team wins when none of the opposing team’s cups are left in play.
Your/Opponent’s Olympus – Your Olympus refers to the the set of in-play cups directly closest to you. Your opponent’s Olympus is the set of cups in front of them.
Make (made) a cup – When a ping pong ball lands inside a cup. Bouncing off the table and then into a cup does not count unless otherwise specified by your power.
Remove cup – Take the cup that was made and place it in the removed cup zone. These cups are no longer in the game unless placed back into play by a power.
Choose a cup – Select a cup from your opponent’s Olympus and announce to all players.
Unchosen cup – A cup in your opponent’s Olympus that was not selected by the player choosing the cup.
Reposition – Place a non-removed cup to a new location of that Olympus. Do not reposition to locations in the no cup zone.
Adjacent cup– Refers to a cup that is in contact to or close to (within 1 cm) of the cup made.